Sunday 30 August 2015

Pick and choose

Assalamualaikum and hello!

What do you guys do in order to fit in a group of friends? Do you change? Or simply be yourself?

I’ll say be yourself is the best way to know who are your true friends. Don’t bother to think about others perception because you could never impress or satisfy every person that you met. Its nature you know, some would like you well some will not so what’s the point to change and be someone else?

When you out your best effort for someone, you’ll get hurt if they say that it is not enough. So save the headache. 

Be happy! There are a lot of other things better to do rather than trying to impress someone. Just remember that, if they want you, they will need to accept your flaws. But, change slowly to a better person for it is not wrong to improvise yourself to be better right? Make sure you don’t do it because of other people. 

Change yourself if you think that change is the best way.

Do you have what it takes?
Till we meet in the next entry!

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