Monday 31 August 2015

Silent treatment

Asslamualaikum and hello!

Have you experienced this before?
You know this special friend whom you thought are your special friend suddenly just disappear without any solid reason? It happened to me though.

Trust me it hurts badly. I felt that I didn’t done enough to keep that one person remain in my life at least for now. But to think of it back, why should I suffer just only for one person, if person value me as much as I value them (I don’t want to mentioned the gender nor the name in here) they will never did what they did to me in the first place. One more think I’ve learn so far is that don’t ever be a hypocrite person. If you don’t like something/someone don’t pretend that you did.

All this hypocrisy thingy would just create more provoker and the backstabber. This is when the silent treatment would take place. And more advice I could give is that, confront your friend if you don’t like his or her action. Don’t aspect them to be the sorcerer and predict what is wrong with you and surely just never listen to others people story because story could be created to make things interesting. You can take this advice if you are planning to keep them in your life lah.

But then again, if you don’t want to be friends with them anymore, just end things nicely. Who are we kidding? They used to be that happy pill for you one right? So why not you start good and you end good as well? No hard feelings.

Till we meet in the next entry!

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