Monday 31 August 2015


thank you thank you.

Assalamualaikum and hello!

So guys, this would be my last entry for this blog. I know that nothing much to shout about regarding my topic. But all of us had and has a friend right? no matter true or not. I would say that true friend do exist in this world but it depends on the individual who are involve in hat friendship.

If we chose to be and stay connected with our friends, there are actually a lot of method in preserving one. All it takes is just effort and tolerance and appreciation. I think that are the best ingredient in making or finding a true friend.

Throughout your life, you will encounter a lot of people. Some were goods and some were not. Take that as a lesson to you to be better as a person.

One last piece of advice from me would be about appreciation. Do appreciate life and people in it. You live once so whatever you did, make it count!

I just want to thank you for your time to read this blog. Take care.

Hope to see you in near future and I hope we could be friends. 

sayonara guys!

True friend = Lover?

Assalamualaikum and hello!

In my previous post, I wrote about how people with different gender could help make the friendship last longer right?

So I would like to raise a question here for you guys to ponder.

The question is: Is it possible to be ‘just friend’ in a friendship where it involves people with different gender?

Let me elaborate more. Is it actually possible not being in love with your true friends that came from different gender? I think that this is an interesting topic to be discussed right?

We girls, we want someone who could understand us and got all the time in the world to be with us as our shoulder to cry on bla..bla..bla.. What if your true friend has all that criteria? Would you tend to fall in love? Or you have set a gap between special boyfriend vs just plain boyfriend?

It is same goes to man. If what you’re searching for in a girl happen to be in your true friend personality, what will you do? To make things more interesting, both of you had declared that this will be just a friendship but along the way your heart changed and wanted something more than just a friend.

So guys? How?

This kind of situation is very similar to one TV shows called friend zone. It’s always aired on MTV. If you guys never heard of this TV shows before, just click here to watch one of the episode of friend zone. 

Let me know what you think about this topic and leave a comment below.

Till we meet in the next post. 

Which one are you?

Assalamualaikum and hello!

I can’t believe this is my tenth entry already!

So, how are you guys doing? Do you finally or actually forgive and forget? If you did, you’ll need to give yourself a pat behind your shoulder. It shows how matured you are as a person.


Have you ever wonder, does gender plays an important role in order for a friendship to last longer?

Your true friend now, is it with the same gender or different?

Phycology said that, a person will be more comfortable in order to express themselves freely is by having a friend with different gender. This is because, characteristic of a man and a woman is different when in a friendship. You can read more here.

Personally, I would prefer someone with different gender to be my true friend. You know how true friends work right? You can share almost everything with that particular person. You are not afraid to show your true colors and the other side of you that not many people knew.

So I find it easy to be like that with a friend with different gender. Don’t get me wrong, I like to be friends with girl as well but my preference for a true friend would be a guy. So it’s up to you guys which one you prefer.

Happy reading!    

Till we meet in the next post.

Start your engine and move forward.

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!

Every friendship, there will always be an argument about something regardless big or small the issue is. In my point of view, I would say that you’ll be lying if you say that you never argue with your friend or about your friend.

Okay, so for today’s topic is forgive and forget! Why do we need to do so you may ask?

Easy. Revenge and hatred are not good you know. You are living in a stressful way and it will later backfire on you. So, I’ll say lets move on I shall say people.

Row..row..row.. your boat! Row your boat forward people.
Lets forgive and forget. Start small by just saying hello. Remember my last post? They used to be someone meaningful to you. You know what, don’t be that kind of people who judge others simply because they had done ONE mistake. Instead, remember all those memorable thing that you’ve been through together. In that way, it will help you to forgive and forget.

Another thing about getting mad at someone is that it doesn’t last long. No matter how much you try to hate them, there will be a moment where you’ll kinda miss all those moment that you’re being silly together.

You know how’s life works right? So always ask yourself is it worth the fight?

You want to know more about forgive and forget? Click here and also here

Till we meet in the next post!

Silent treatment

Asslamualaikum and hello!

Have you experienced this before?
You know this special friend whom you thought are your special friend suddenly just disappear without any solid reason? It happened to me though.

Trust me it hurts badly. I felt that I didn’t done enough to keep that one person remain in my life at least for now. But to think of it back, why should I suffer just only for one person, if person value me as much as I value them (I don’t want to mentioned the gender nor the name in here) they will never did what they did to me in the first place. One more think I’ve learn so far is that don’t ever be a hypocrite person. If you don’t like something/someone don’t pretend that you did.

All this hypocrisy thingy would just create more provoker and the backstabber. This is when the silent treatment would take place. And more advice I could give is that, confront your friend if you don’t like his or her action. Don’t aspect them to be the sorcerer and predict what is wrong with you and surely just never listen to others people story because story could be created to make things interesting. You can take this advice if you are planning to keep them in your life lah.

But then again, if you don’t want to be friends with them anymore, just end things nicely. Who are we kidding? They used to be that happy pill for you one right? So why not you start good and you end good as well? No hard feelings.

Till we meet in the next entry!

Sunday 30 August 2015

Pick and choose

Assalamualaikum and hello!

What do you guys do in order to fit in a group of friends? Do you change? Or simply be yourself?

I’ll say be yourself is the best way to know who are your true friends. Don’t bother to think about others perception because you could never impress or satisfy every person that you met. Its nature you know, some would like you well some will not so what’s the point to change and be someone else?

When you out your best effort for someone, you’ll get hurt if they say that it is not enough. So save the headache. 

Be happy! There are a lot of other things better to do rather than trying to impress someone. Just remember that, if they want you, they will need to accept your flaws. But, change slowly to a better person for it is not wrong to improvise yourself to be better right? Make sure you don’t do it because of other people. 

Change yourself if you think that change is the best way.

Do you have what it takes?
Till we meet in the next entry!